The persisting memory: kindred spirits
Acrylic on paper, 920x920mm
Everyone once in a while someone comes into our life and makes a profound connection on a level that is deep in our psyche. As we speak and look into their eyes we feel comfortable and can open up as if we have always known them. We get a sense that we share a special understanding or experience that has bonded us together as kindred spirits. The philosophy underpinning the symbolism in this painting is that we recognise our kindred spirits because we have memories of our lives together from different times and reincarnations. In this painting, the spheres on the outside of the circle represent those special moments that have bonded us. They look similar because there is one bond that is repeated many times. The centre of the painting is symbolic of the radiating energy of the collective conscientious of life and illustrates the finite number of human existences which are born over and over again. Even though we are at different stages of our lives and careers, we are kindred spirits just the same